Rollende Arztpraxis
A Mobile concept as third pillar of medical care
Project partners
- AOK Niedersachsen
- Braunschweiger Informatik- und Technologie-Zentrum (BITZ) GmbH
- Deutsche BKK
- Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Niedersachsen
- Landkreis Wolfenbüttel
- Landwirtschaftliche Krankenkasse
- Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge
- Wolfsburg AG
The model project "Zukunftsregion Gesundheit - kommunale Gesundheitslandschaften" [Future Health Region - municipal health landscapes] has been initiated and is funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Social Affairs, Women, Family, Health and Integration, by the AOK Niedersachen and by the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians Lower Saxony.
The demographic change challenges medical care in rural areas: A rising number of elderly confront a decreasing number of general practitioners. In Lower Saxony, especially in the county Wolfenbüttel, the shortage of doctors is felt above average. Wolfenbüttel is one of three model regions of the Lower Saxony wide initiative "Zukunftsregion Gesundheit" [health region of the future] of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Health. The aim of the project "health region of the future" is to develop innovative and requirement oriented projects to improve health care in rural areas. The subproject "Rollende Arztpraxis" is coordinated by the working group mobility and infrastructure.
2011 to 2014