Website: HiGHmed Teaching and Training

HiGHmed - Teaching and Training
Innovative Teaching and Training Programme for Medical Informatics
Project partners
- University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology
- Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Computer Science
- University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Faculty III – Media, Information and Design
- Helmholtz Center for Infection Research, Department for Epidemiology
- Hannover Medical School
- Technische Universität Braunschweig, Carl-Friedrich-Gauß-Faculty
- University of Heidelberg, Medical Faculty Heidelberg
- University Medical Center Göttingen
- Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin Institute of Health
- Cologne University, Medical Faculty
- Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg, Medical faculty
- University of Münster, Medical Faculty
Futhermore there are cooperations with private-sector partners.
The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the German medical informatics initiative.

An important goal of the project HiGHmed is the development and implementation of educational concepts that address the opportunities and challenges of an increasingly networked healthcare system. There is already a shortage of skilled workers in medical informatics (MI), which will increase without appropriate measures. But other healthcare professionals and patients also need to be trained in digital literacy. For this reason, in the work package Teaching and Training of the HiGHmed project, digital-supported online learning modules on different topics are developed by a consortium of different universities. These modules intend to fill existing gaps in the typical medical informatics curricula. Due to the use of digital teaching and learning methods, students can use the modules from all academic partners. In the long term, the offers are to be made available to other target groups, including non-academic ones.
At PLRI, HiGHmed modules are developed for both locations of the institute:
- At the TU Braunschweig the module Assistive Health Technologies and Data for students of Medical Informatics.
- At the Hannover Medical School a compulsory elective module Use of medical data in research and health care for medical students.
In addition, the PLRI is active in the following working groups as part of the work package Teaching and Training:
- WG Didactic Strategy (contact person Dr. Marianne Behrends)
- WG Technical Infrastructure (contact person Joana Warnecke)
- WG Curricular Integration (contact person Prof. Dr. Thomas Deserno)
- In the WG Promotion of Women (contact person Dr. Marianne Behrends) special offers for women are developed together with the Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts.
The website and brochure "Up the Stairs" gives an overview of the activities within HiGHmed Teaching and Training. In addition, we have recorded podcasts on the topic of "Digitalization of Medicine", which are available here.