Network of Data Integration Centres of University Medicine
Project partners
All 36 university hospitals across Germany are partners in this project. In addition, there are also other academic, private sector, and associated partners involved.
The project NUM-DIZ is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the national initiative Netzwerk Universitätsmedizin (promotional referrence: 01KX2121). The Hannover Medical School (MHH) receives 1.2 million euros for its data integration centre (MeDIC Hannover).

NUM-DIZ stands for "Netzwerk der Datenintegrationszentren der Universitätsmedizin" (engl. Network of Data Integration Centres of University Medicine). The project promotes the further expansion and networking of the individual data integration centres at German university hospitals. It is based on the results of the Medical Informatics Initiative Germany (MII).
The strategic objective is to expand and consolidate the infrastructure already established between the university hospitals, which is based on international and open standards, in the coming years. This is intended to further strengthen and advance the cross-site exchange of medical data in order to jointly improve patient care and research opportunities. To this end, it is necessary that the data on the course of the disease to be interoperable in the participating clinics. The requirements and necessary measures for the interoperability and exchangeability of the data are coordinated and harmonised across all sites in the NUM-DIZ project. The protection of data, data security and the informational self-determination of patients are of central importance.
Research benefits directly from the possibility of exchanging data across locations. On the one hand, information on the course of disease in similar cases can contribute to successful treatment. On the other hand, it is possible to obtain reliable case numbers for statistical analyses of very rare diseases and to gain new insights into the causes and progression of diseases.