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optimize care for people with cardiovascular disease
Whether emergency care, rehabilitation or outpatient care: CAEHR uses the example of various cardiovascular diseases to show how digitalization in medicine can improve the success of care in everyday life.
From heart failure to coronary heart disease and stroke - as different as cardiovascular diseases are, they have much in common: the consequences of these diseases are often chronic and require long-term care. If they are detected in time, they can often be treated well. Thus, cardiovascular diseases offer health research and care a wide range of opportunities to help those affected and improve their quality of life. This is precisely where the Digital Progress Hub CAEHR (CArdiovascular diseases - Enhancing Healthcare through cross-sectoral Routine data integration), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), comes in. In three regions of Germany - Hannover/Göttingen, Berlin and Würzburg/Mainfranken - CAEHR will test digital solutions for better care of people with cardiovascular diseases and develop them further for later nationwide use.
08/2020 - 07/2025
- Nina Schewe (former employee)
- Taner Öztas (former employee)