Bed-Exit Alarm
Development and evaluation of a sensor based bed exit alarm
Project partners
- Medizinische Klinik IV; Geriatrie; Rheumatologie am Klinikum Braunschweig (Leitung Dr. Schwitzke)
- Zentrum für Medizin im Alter des Diakovere Henriettenstifts Hannover (Leitung Prof. Hager)
The objective of the project is to reduce the number of falls on geriatric wards. To archive this goal a sensor system based is developed and evaluated. The system is able to detect attempts to get up and informs nurses that can offer assistance. A prototype has been successfully evaluated in a pilot clinical trial over one year with 98 patients. The next steps are the development of a custom tailored sensor-node and a multi-center trial to fortify the first results.
since 2007
- Dr.-Ing Ulf Kulau (TUBS IBR)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf (TUBS IBR)